Concrete slump test is carried out from batch to batch to check the uniform quality of concrete during construction.Concrete slump test is to determine the workability or consistency of concrete mix prepared at the laboratory or the construction site during the progress of the work.
The slump test is the most simple workability test for concrete, involves low cost and provides immediate results. Due to this fact, it has been widely used for workability tests since 1922. The slump is carried out as per procedures mentioned in ASTM C143 in the United States, IS: 1199 – 1959 in India and EN 12350-2 in Europe.
Generally concrete slump value is used to find the workability, which indicates water-cement ratio, but there are various factors including properties of materials, mixing methods, dosage, admixtures etc. also affect the concrete slump value.
Sampling of Materials for Slump Test: A concrete mix (M15 or other) by weight with suitable water/ cement ratio is prepaid in the laboratory similar to that explained in 5.9 and required for casting 6 cubes after conducting Slump test.
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