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Effect of compounding triethanolamine and triisopropand anolamine on hydration properties of cement

Views: 15     Author: Sam     Publish Time: 2018-07-03      Origin: Site


In the cement industry production, when the clinker is ground to a certain degree of fineness, the fine particles of the clinker may agglomerate and viscous. Clinker particle agglomeration and past grinding result in a drastic reduction in grinding efficiency, which greatly increases energy consumption and increases production costs in actual production. The study found that cement grinding aid can not only improve the agglomeration and pasting phenomenon in the cement grinding process, but also improve the grinding efficiency, and can also improve the cement performance, reduce the clinker dosage, and thus reduce the energy consumption in cement production.

Triethanolamine (TEA) and triisopropanolamine (TIPA) are common grinding aid components in the cement industry. At present, there are many studies on the effects of the two grinding aid monomers, but they are compounded. There are still few studies on the effects. In this paper, the effects of two kinds of monomer grinding aids on the kinetics of cement grinding were studied. Then the effects of two kinds of monomer grinding aids on the hydration and properties of cement were studied by orthogonal test. Finally, in front On the basis of experimental research, the effects of the combination on the hydration and properties of Portland cement were further studied.

The results show that TEA and TIPA can significantly improve the specific surface area and particle distribution of cement. During a certain grinding time, the two grinding aids can significantly increase the specific surface area of the cement and significantly increase the content of the particles in the range of 3 to 32 μm which plays a decisive role in the development of the strength of the Portland cement.

Low-volume TEA can promote the early strength development of Portland cement. When the dosage is high, TEA will be detrimental to the early strength development of Portland cement. For example, when TEA dosage is 0.06%, hydration formation The amount of CH is significantly reduced, that is, the amount of C3S involved in hydration is reduced.

TIPA has no significant effect on the early strength of Portland cement, but can significantly increase late strength. The respective dosages have an effect on the strength of 3d, 7d and 28d. The addition of 0.04% TIPA increases the strength of Portland cement 28d by 12.7%.

The effect of the combination of TEA and TIPA on Portland cement is similar to the superposition of the effects of the two monomer grinding aids alone, and there is no change in the hydration product due to the composite, and the hydration process is not significantly changed

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