Views: 5 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-05-04 Origin: Site
Concrete admixtures have many effects, each has its own role. For example, water reducing agent has the effect of reducing water, air adding agent has the effect of regulating coagulation, etc. But overall, concrete admixtures play a powerful role, the specific effect is as follows.
1, can improve the construction conditions, reduce manual labor, and conducive to mechanized construction, to ensure and improve the quality of the project has a role, can make the previously difficult to complete the high quality of the project under the existing conditions to complete. For example: can be mixed with water reducing agent in the site condition preparation of C80 ~ C90 ultra high strength concrete, preparation of pumping concrete, etc.
2. It can reduce the curing time, shorten the steaming time, accelerate the turnover of the formwork by removing the mold in advance, and release and shear the tendons of the prestressed reinforced concrete in advance. In short, it can accelerate the construction progress.
3, can improve or improve the quality of concrete. Many admixtures can improve the strength of concrete, increase durability, compactness, frost resistance, impermeability, improve its dry shrinkage and creep, and some admixtures can improve the corrosion resistance of reinforcement. It will not degrade the performance of concrete as long as it is properly mixed.
4, can save energy. Such as saving cement; It can increase the workability of concrete, so as to make the vibrating and plastering process proceed smoothly, shorten the vibrating plastering time, reduce power consumption and fuel consumption.
5, the use of admixture should pay attention to the matter must realize that admixture has a double effect on concrete, properly used can play a good role, improper use will be counterproductive, there is a cement admixture of adaptability and dosage problems.